Wrapping up 2021

What a year we’ve had here at Filigree! 

A huge thank you to all of our clients and partners that we’ve worked with this past year. 

At the start of the year, many of the team were still in crisis communications mode - working with a London local authority and CCG (clinical commissioning group) on the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination programme, testing and public health campaign. 

Like many, our community involvement skills were stretched to the limit as we battled through COVID-19 restrictions to launch a borough-wide consultation on a Local Plan. With over 15 Zoom events in just a few weeks, we succeeded in attracting the highest ever number of participants for the client - even compared to pre-pandemic times. 

As restrictions eased, we were pleased to get back to in-person conversations with some family-friendly events including skateboarding sessions in partnership with Skates & Ladders Ltd. and mural painting for Stories and St Mungo's to gather local views on plans for a new homelessness facility and homes in Westminster.  

The theme of nature for #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek was a breath of fresh air and respite for the team and we were delighted to drive the media relations strategy securing a broad range of coverage. 

2021 was also a big year for #TeamCatford as we steered the town centre consultation on the Framework Plan to a close, capturing over 3,000 comments. With 12 social media channels, five websites and email news there's plenty of Catford-related content still to come in the new year. 

In October, we were delighted to take on responsibility for policy and communications for South East Councils - representing 45 authorities across the region. So far we've covered party conferences, the budget and spending review, #COP26 and Levelling Up, skills… the list goes on. 

And importantly, we also welcomed a new member of our team Chenai Nduru, who’s already becoming a great addition to our team in her first month. 

Finally, in the run-up to Christmas, we're thoroughly enjoying working with the creative team at Cockpit Arts - a thriving makers' community in Deptford sharing the plans with makers and locals. 

We look forward to welcoming the new year with new and exciting projects. So from us here at Filigree, #HappyNewYear2022!

Sam Holgate